Odabrane reference

  • Popović, E., Bjelić-Čabrilo, O., Kostić, D., Hristovski, N. (2004): Trematoda diversity of Rana complex (Amphibia: Anura) in different aquatic ecosys em of the Danube Basin (Vojvodina SCG). International assotiation for Danube research. Limnological reports Vol. 35; pp.639-644, Novi Sad.
  • Jovetić, S., Vojinović-Miloradov, M., Buzarov, D., Adamov, J., Suđi, J., Popović, E. (2003): Frog livers bioindicators of aquatic and terrestrical, PCB contamination of the Kragujevac area. II Regional Symposium chemistry and the environment; pp. 219-220. Kruševac.
  • Adamov, J., Vojinović-Miloradov, M., Buzarov, D., Jovetić, S., Suđi, J., Popović, E. (2003): Distribution of PCBs at different levels of aquatic ecosystem in the Danube river in Vojvodina. Fresenius environmental bulletin, vol. 12, Nr. 2; pp. 117-120. Freising-Germany.
  • Vojinović-Miloradov, M., Jovetić, S., Buzarov, D., Adamov, J., Suđi, J., Popović, E., Krajinović, S. (2003): The residues of PCBs and organochlorine hydrocarbons in the frog liver from the Kragujevac hot spot. 23rd International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and Persistent Organic pollutants (POPs); pp. 45-48. Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Matavulj, M., Popović, E., Vučković, M., Grahek, I., Rajković, V., Somer, Lj., Matavulj, M. (2002): Macrophage aggregates of frog liver as an indikator of exposure to contaminants. International assotiation for Danube research. Limnological reports Vol. 34; pp. 585-592. Tulcea, Romania
  • Popović, E., Vučković, M., Radulović, S., Pajević, S., Kostić, D., Bjelić-Čabrilo, O., Miljanović, B. (2000): Dominant plant and animal species in aquatic biotopes of Koviljski rit marsh area (Vojvodina, Yugoslavia). Ecology of River Valleys. Tiscia monograph series; pp. 197-201. Segedin
  • Kostić, D., Popović. E., Miljanović, B. (2002): Fish fauna of the section DTD canal mouth – Subic and Koviljski rit area as indikator of water quality. 6th Inetrnational symposium interdisciplinary regional research Hungary-Romania-Yugoslavia. Section 1-Environmental protection and ecology. CD Paper Nr 122.
  • Popović, E., Kostić, D., Bjelić-Čabrilo, O.: (2002): Helminthofauna and ranid frog diet – bioindikators of special natural reservation Kovilj-Petrovaradin marsh.6th Inetrnational symposium interdisciplinary regional research Hungary-Romania-Yugoslavia.Section 1- Environmental proection and ecology. CD Paper Nr 134.
  • Matavulj, M., Radnović, D., Gajin, S., Petrović, O., Svirčev, Z., Simeunović, J., Matavulj, M., Bokorov, M., Teodorović, I., Popović, E., Vučković, M., Radulović, S., Pajević, S., Ivanc, A., Miljanović, B., Anačkov, G. (2002): Koviljski rit wetland revitalization as the basis of wise use and sustainable development of the resource. 6th Inetrnational symposium interdisciplinary regional research Hungary-Romania-Yugoslavia. Section 1- Environmental protection and ecology. CD Paper Nr 126.
  • Vučković, M., Popović, E., Pajević, S., Matavulj, M., Kostič, D., Radulović, S., Bjelić-Čabrilo, O., Miljanović, B. (2002): Florafaunistic characteristics of the Begečka jama pond as the natural Park in the vicinity of Novi Sad. International assotiation for Danube research. Limnological reports Vol. 34; pp. 887-892. Tulcea, Romania.
  • Popović, E., Kostić, D. (2002): Age and sex structure of the species Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, 1783 from the aquaticecosystems of Vojvodina (Yu).International assotiation for Danube research. Limnological reports Vol. 34; pp. 499-503. Tulcea, Romania.
  • Vojinović-Miloradov, M., Adamov, J., Buzarov, D., Popović, E., Suđi, J. (2001): Frogs as indicators of environmental pollution. 5th international symposium of interdisciplinary regional research. Szeged Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; pp. 75-76. Szeged.
  • Vojinović-Miloradov, M., Buzarov, D., Adamov, J., Šimić, S., Popović, E. (1996): Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in frog liver. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 34. No 7-8; pp. 153-156.
  • Popović, E., Kostić, D. (1996): Životinjski svet Jegričke. Edicija „Tija voda”. I Monografija. pp. 79-86. Kulturno-istorijsko društvo “Pčesa”. Novi Sad.