dr Snežana Radulovićvanredni profesor Katedra za ekologiju i zaštitu životne sredineLaboratorija za ekologiju biljakaLaboratorija za paleoekološku rekonstrukciju (LAPER)Podaci iz knjige nastavnika
Ime i prezime Dr Snežana Radulović
Zvanje Vanredni profesor Univerziteta u Novom Sadu
Naziv institucije PMF, UNS, Novi Sad
Uža naučna oblast Ekologija
Ekologija biljaka
Abbreviated in English
She completed her BSc in Biology and MsC in Plant Ecology (Phytocoenology) at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Novi Sad. This was followed by a PhD in using GIS and remote sensing media in plant communities’ distribution and freshwater eco‐monitoring. Prof Radulovic is a tutor and key person for the Master module in Ecological Engineering. Her current research focuses primarily on vegetation mapping and plant invasive species monitoring, habitat diversity of aquatic ecosystems, implementing protocols for monitoring rivers and lakes for conservation, remote sensing in ecology, data bases developments and biosensing technologies.
She is Head of Ecology and Environmental Sciences Unit.
Od oktobra 2012 godine Šef Katedre za ekologiju i zaštite životne sredine, DBE, PMF
Od oktobra 2012 godine Predsednik ISO KSH 147 Water Analysis Institutta za standardizaciju Republike Srbije
Od 2011 ovlašteni prevodilac za srpski jezik Cambridge University Press-a
Od 2006 do danas ekspert ISS u TC 230 ‘Water Analysis’, tehničkom komitetu CEN (European Committee for Standardisation / Comité Europeén de Normalisation, TC 230 ‘Water Analysis’, WG 2 biological and ecological methods), DIN Berlin
Od 2005 IAD-a General Secretary and National represenative in IAD International association of Danube Research
Vanredni Profesor
Prirodno-matematički fakultet, UNS
Prirodno'matematički fakultet, UNS
Prirodno-matematički fakultet, UNS
Prirodno-matematički fakultet, UNS
Prirodno-matematički fakultet, UNS
Spisak predmeta prof S Radulovic
Naziv predmeta
Vrsta studija
Osnovi ekologije
Osnovne akademske
Ekologija biljaka
Osnovne akademske
Ekologija kopnenih voda
Master akademske
Master akademske
Ekološki klasifikacioni sistemi
Master akademske
Primena tehnika daljinskog očitavanja u ekologiji
Master akademske
Doktorske studije
Kvantitativna ekologija
Doktorske studije
Ekologija invazivnih biljaka
Doktorske studije
PhD students:
1. Dusanka Laketic / lakes, aquatic vegetation, invasive plants, aquatic vectors, LHS (5th year)
2. Milica Zivkovic / rivers, aquatic vegetation, invasive plants, aquatic vectors, RHS (3rd year)
3. Sonja Kozlina/ Chaos theory, invasive dynamics, invasion prediction (1st year)
Kreator i koordinator master modula Ekološki inženjering
Laketić D,, Radulović S, Zivkovic M, Jurca T and Alford MH (2013): Macrophyte Nutrient Index (MNI) of standing waters in Serbia. Ecological indicators. 25: 200-204
Jurca T, Donohue L, Laketić D, Radulović S, Irvine K (2012): Importance of the shoreline diversity features for littoral macroinvertebrate assemblages. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 180(2) 175-184
Radulović S, Boon P, Laketić D, Simonović P, Puzović S, Živković M, Jurca T, Ovuka M, Malaguti S, Teodorovic I (2012): Preliminary check-lists for applying SERCON (System for Evaluating Rivers for Conservation) to rivers in Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences 64, 3
Vukov D, Rućando M, Radulović S, Igić R (2012): Diversity of vascular hydrophytes in the Zasavica River (Serbia) – changes after thirteen years. Archives of Biological Sciences, 64 (4) 1607-1617
Radulović S, Laketić D, Teodorović I. (2011): A botanical classification of standing waters in Serbia and its application to conservation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 21: 510–527
Radulović S, Vučković M. (2011): Ekologija akvatičnih fitocenoza Carske bare. Monografija. Edicija Ritovi Vojvodine, Matica srpska, Novi Sad.
Radulović S, Laketić D, Popović Ž, Teodorović I (2010): Towards the candidature of the Crno Jezero lake (Black lake, Durmitor, Montenegro ) for HES site of Dinaric Western Balkan Ecoregion. Archives of Biological Sciences. 62 (4), 1101-1117
Radulović S, Laketić D, Vukov D (2010): A riverside tale: the assessment of altered habitat effects on macrophytes assemblage on the Tamis River, Serbia. Archives of Biological Sciences 62 (4), 1163-1174
Teodorović I., Radulović S., Bloesch J. (eds.) (2004). Scientific Concepts and Implementation of
Sustainable Transboundary River Basin Management. Internat. Assoc. Danube Res. Limnological Reports 35. Proceedin-gs of 35th IAD Conference, 19-23 April, 2004, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro.Visio Mundi Academic Press, Novi Sad, Serbia and Montenegro and National Committee of IAD Serbia and Montenegro. 1-681.
Radulović S, Vučković M, Borišev M, Pajević S, Panjković B. (2004): An evaluation of
phytocoenological presence of macrophytes in the stari Begej – Carska Bara wetland area. Limnological reports 35 (Proceedings of the 34th Conference, Novi Sad, SCG) 469-479.
Pajević S, Kevrešan Ž, Radulović S, Radnović D,Vučković M, Matavulj M. (2003): The role of macrophytes in monitoring the impact of heavy metal effluents on the aquatic environment. Large Rivers Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl. 9(4): 317-321
In preparation
Radulović S et al. : When in doubt blame the Balkans – a screenshot of freshwater plant invaders in North Serbia. Hot or not?
Radulović S et al. : Aquatic and semi-aquatic phytocoenological database of Vojvodina (Serbia
Recenzent za časopise u 2011 i 2012
Ecological Engineering (M21)
Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems (M22)
Hacquetia (M23)
Trenutno u češće na projektima
COST TD1209 ,,European Information System for Alien Species'' http://www.cost.eu/TD1209) Management Committee member, 2012-2015. Koordinator za Srbiju
,,Mapping seagrass vegetation: a case study at Koh Libong Wildlife Sanctuary, Trang Province, Thailand PSU Collaborative Research Fund Thailand, 2012-2014. Koordinator-rukovodilac projekta
,,Biosensing tehnologije i globalni sistem za kontinuirana istraživanja i integrisano upravljanje ekosistemima'', Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije, evidencioni br. projekta: III43002, 2011- 2015, Istraživač
,,Ritovi Vojvodine,, Matica sprska 2012-2015, Istraživač
,,Invazivne vrste Vojvodine (Srbija)'', Pokrajinski Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine Vojvodine, 2010-2011. Koordinator baze podataka
,,SERCON (System for Evaluating Rivers for Conservation) mreža'', Pokrajinski Sekretarijat za zaštitu životne sredine Vojvodine, 2011. Rukovodilac projekta
,,EU Neighbouring Programme Romania-Serbia: Eco-status of the River Tamiš'', 06SER02/03/007-8, Grad Pančevo, Srbija, 2009-2010. Key person for Biology
,,HP Interactive mobile technology in Mathematical and Science courses'', Hewlett-Packard, USA Philanthropy Programme, 2008-2009. Key person for Biology
,,SERCON (System for Evaluating Rivers for Conservation) software and database development, River Jegricka case study'', JKP Vode Vojvodine, Srbija, 2008. Rukovodilac projekta
,,Limnological study of Ponjavica Nature Park, Contractor City of Pancevo, Serbia''. Contractor City of Pancevo, Serbia 2006. Rukovodilac projekta
,,Ekološka istraživanja kanalske mreže hidrosistema Dunav –Tisa-Dunav u cilju racionalnog korišćenja i održivog razvoja'', No. 147, Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnologiju republike Srbije 1994-2000. Istraživač
,,Ekološka istraživanja kanalske mreže hidrosistema Dunav –Tisa-Dunav u cilju racionalnog korišćenja i održivog razvoja'', No. 1945, 2004-2005, Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnologiju republike Srbije Istraživač
,,IPA Important Plant Areas in Serbia'' No 401-00-264/2002-01 Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnologiju republike Srbije Istraživač