The beginning of the research in the field of Animal Physiology and Reproductive Endocrinology at FS UNS - prof. dr Desanka Marić and prof. dr Irina Simonović

The research in the field of Animal Physiology and Reproductive Endocrinology at our faculty was established by prof. dr Desanka Maric and her first associate prof. dr Irina Simonovic. Prof. dr Maric and prof. dr Simonovic together established laboratory facilities for laboratory animals, a room with constant darkness, and experimental laboratory that, during the peak of their work, was in the rank of eminent world laboratories. All of this made possible to establish very stable research in the field of animal physiology and reproductive endocrinology, which are still performed at our faculty.

Professor dr Desanka Marić

Professor Desanka Marić is the first teacher of Animal Physiology at the Faculty of Sciences (FS) at the University of Novi Sad (UNS) and the founder of scientific and teaching activities in the field of reproductive endocrinology and animal physiology.

Prof. dr Desanka Marić Prof. dr Desanka Marić

Desanka Marić was born on 10.XI 1929. in Novi Sad. Prof. Dr Desanka Marić graduated from the Gymnasium in Novi Sad in 1948. She graduated from the FS University in Belgrade (UB) in 1952, and received her PhD in 1960. at the same faculty. The PhD dissertation entitled "Attachment to the mechanism of action of female sexual hormones on the rabbit platelets" was defended at the Department of Physiology of FS UB under the mentorship of prof. Dr. Radoslava K Anđusa ( Prof. Dr Desanka Marić is married to prof. Dr. Vojislav Marić and she is mother of two children living in the United States (Dr. Ivana Marić, Dr Svetislav Marić).


Prof. Dr. Desanka Marić was employed at the Institute for Medical Research in Novi Sad in the group of prof. Dr. Strahinje Marinkova from 1953. to 1963. She was appointed as an assistant professor of animal physiology at the Faculty of Philosophy UNS. She was appointed as an associate professor in 1970. and full professor in 1975. From 1964. to 1973. prof. Dr Maric was in charge of teaching of the courses the General Animals Physiology and Comparative Animals Physiology, and since 1973. she has been responsible for the course General Animal Physiology. The research in the fields of animal physiology and the reproductive endocrinology were very intense in that period, numerous mechanisms of physiological phenomena were explained, and in their lectures prof. dr Marić tried to put all these new knowledge into the teaching content. Prof. Dr Marić was the first who recognize contemporary research trends, and introduced new teaching subjects: Reproductive Physiology, Reproductive Endocrinology, Endocrinology with Neuroendocrinology. She has published two editions of General Animal Physiology textbooks with Dr. Stanko Stojilković, Practicum with selected chapters from Comparative Animals Physiology with prof. dr. Irina Simonović, as well as selected chapters in the textbook Radiological and related analysis (theory and application).


Prof. Dr. Desanka Marić is the founder of the research in the field of endocrinology FS UNS. At the end of the seventies of the XX century prof. dr Marić led research in one of the most advanced laboratories for experimental endocrinology in the former Yugoslavia, which was also one of the European reference laboratories for radiomunologic analysis. Among other things, under the leadership of prof. dr Marić routine analyzes of protein and steroid hormones were perfomed, as well as other analyzes in the field of reproductive endocrinology. Laboratory under the leadership of prof. dr Marić contributed very significantly to the inclusion of Yugoslav experimental endocrinology into European trends. Thes research activities, which are still fostered at our faculty, are certainly the result of the postdoctoral training of prof. Marić in the USA. During 1963. and 1964, prof. dr Marić was on post-doctoral studies in the field of reproductive physiology at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology (Shrewsbury, Massachusets USA), and then in 1966. and 1967. at the Medical Faculty University of Lexington (Kentucky  USA). In this period, prof. dr Marić performed research in the field of neuroendocrinology. Part of the research results obtained during staying in the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology was published in the prestigious journal Endocrinology and this paper is highly appreciated and cited.


During her work at FS UNS prof. dr Marić was the holder and participant in a number of national and international scientific projects. Her research work was focused on the examination of regulatory mechanisms of reproduction and hypothalamic control of gonadotrophic secretion. Applying the method of hypothalamic deaferentation and accompanying changes in gonadotrophic hormones and prolactin, her results have contributed to understanding complex mechanisms of neuroendocrine regulation of reproductive function. Her extensive research work is also associated with the study of hormonal changes during postnatal development, as well as mechanisms involved in the development of puberty, with a particular emphasis on the role of prolactins in males and the concept of corelation in the production of prolactins and androgens. In addition to the above mentioned, the significant contribution of prof. Marić is dedicated to a very interesting problem of the impact of stress on central and local regulatory mechanisms of testicular steroidogenesis, as well as the importance of endogenous opiates and free radicals (nitric oxide) in the paracrine control of production of androgens. In addition to fundamental research in the field of reproductive endocrinology, prof. Marić was also involved in the examining the effects of pesticides on the reproductive capacity of rats of both sexes over several generations, and studied the hormone status of cows in order to control and improve reproduction.


Prof. Dr Marić worked with her associates during her scientific research work with numerous eminent national and international scientists. The most intensive cooperation was achieved with prof. Dr. Radoslav K Anđus and his associates (Institute of Physiology, Faculty of Biology, UB) in scientific projects of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts supervised by prof. dr Anđus. It is also important to mention the cooperation with prof. dr Radivoje Milin and his associates (Institute of Histology, Medical Faculty, UNS) that is still ongoing. From international cooperation are distinguished: prof. dr Luciano Martini (Institute of Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Milan), prof. dr Belá Flerco (Faculty of Medicine, University of Pecs), prof. dr Belá Halász (Faculty of Medicine, University of Budapest), prof. dr Mirjana B Nikitovitch-Winer (Faculty of Medicine, University of Lexington). The significance of the results of the scientific research work of prof. Dr Marić was recognized by invitation from Faculty of Medicine, University of Lexington to hold a special seminar, which prof. Dr Marić held in 1982., entitled: "Relationship between prolactin and androgen variables in the growing male".


Scientific production prof. dr Marić includes over 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers, of which 17 were published in eminent international journals, as well as 49 publications at international and domestic conferences. It is necessary to emphasize the significant positive influence of these works at the international and domestic scientific community, expressed through numerous citations in the works of other authors. In addition, she was mentor of 7 PhD theses, 4 master theses and 32 graduation theses.

Regardless of the fact that intensive teaching and scientific work requires a lot of engagement, prof. dr Marić was involved in the work of the administrative structures at the PMF UNS during her thirty-two years of work. In addition, she was the President of the Society of Physiologists of Yugoslavia, a member of the International Society of Neuroendcrinologists, the Society of Biologists, as well as the Society of Endocrinologists of Vojvodina, and she was a member of the editorial board of the Matice srpske and the editorial board of the Proceedings of the Faculty of Sciences. Prof. dr Marić belongs to the most prominent UNS teachers. The results of her persecution, enthusiasm and work were recognized in the scientific and wider comunity, and she was awarded: diploma and medals Matica srpska (1976), honorary of FS UNS (1979), diploma of the Association of Endocrinologists of Yugoslavia (1983), October Prize of Novi Sad (1989 ). It is specialy important to point the  UNS Lifetime Achievement Award specially awarded by the Association of University Professors and Scientist UNS (2006).


After retirement in 1995, the engagement of prof. Dr Marić in the scientific work did not stop. On the contrary, evidences of her work are represented by the published scientific paper. It is particularly important to point out that during all 23 years since retirement, close associates of prof. dr Marić has a unique and very valuable mentor, a referee and a friend.

Publication of prof. dr Desanka Marić (given Kostić)



(1)  Marinkov S, Marić D (1953). Merenje koagulacije krvne plazme I odnos koncentracije kalcijuma prema prvoj I drugoj fazi koagulacije. Medicinski pregled 6: 331.


(2)  Marinkov S, Kostić D, Kapamadžija V (1956). Antikoagulaciono delovanje heparina i trombocita. Medicinski pregled 9: 221.


(3)   Kapamadžija V, Kostić D (1956). Uticaj heparina na retrakciju krvnog koaguluma. Medicinski pregled 9: 315.


(4)   Kostić D, Kapamadžija V (1965). Promene koagulacione funkcije trombocita kod primene heparina. Medicinski pregled 9: 385.


(5)   Marinkov S, Kostić D (1957). Merenje čvrstine fibrinskog koaguluma krvne plazme i odnos te čvrstine prema koncentraciji kalcijuma u krvnoj plazmi. Medicinski pregled 10: 84.


(6)  Marinkov S, Timotijević T, Kapamadžija V, Kostić D (1958). Changements dans le nombre des trombocytes chez les rats exposos aux rayons X compares aux changements dans la trombocytopoiese. Acta medica Yugoslavica 12:39.


(7)   Marić D (1958). Efekat estradiola na broj trombocita normalnih i kastriranih zečica. Arhiv bioloških nauka 10: 39.


(8)  Marić D (1960). Action de la progesterone sur les plaquesttes sanguines chez la Lapine. CR Sec Biologie, CLIV 1538.


(9)   Marić D (1960). Effet le l’application successive de l’oestradiol et de la progesterone chez la Lapine. CR Sec Biologie, CLIV 1865.


(10)  Marić D (1960). Prilog izučavanju mehanizma delovanja ženskih seksualnih hormona na trombocitopoezu. doktorska disertacija.


(11)   Marić D (1964). Izučavanje estradiola, estrona i estriola posle promene estradiola dipropionata kod normalnih i kastriranih zečica. Godišnjak Filozofskog Fakulteta u Novom Sadu. Knjiga VII, 376.


(12)   Marić D, Kiralj F (1965). Delovanje estradiola na količinu gonadotropnih hormona u hipofizi pacova. Medicinski pregled  11-12: 581.


(13)   Maric D, Matsuyama E, Lloyd CW (1965). Gonadotropin content of pituitaries of rats in constant estrus induced by continuous illumination. Endocrinology 77: 529.


(14)   Dimković D, Marić D, Sesler D, Janča AK (1968). Endokrini I klinički aspekti ginekomastije. Acta Chirurgica Yugoslavica XV, 65.


(15)   Marić D (1969). Uticaj estrogena na težinu organa posle kompletnog izdvajanja bazalnog dela hipotalamusa od centralnog nervnog sistema. Zbornik za prirodne nauke, Matica srpska, Novi Sad 36: 147.


(16)  Marić D (1971.) Efekat unilateralne kastracije kod mužjaka pacova. Zbornik radova Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Novi Sad 1: 221.


(17)  Marić D (1972). Efekat konstantnog osvetljivanja na pubertet ženki pacova. Zbornik radova Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Novi Sad 2: 135.


(18)   Tadić R, Vojvodić S, Morovič M, Krsmanović L, Marić D (1973). Efekat testosterone na adenohipofizu I reproduktivne organe estradioliziranog mužjaka pacova.  Zbornik radova Prirodno-matematičkog fakulteta, Novi Sad 3: 157.


(19)   Marić D, Nikitovitch-Winer MB (1974). The ability of the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) to respond to electrical stimulation following partial deafferentation. Yugoslav Physiol et Pharmacol Acta 10 (1): 107.


(20) Simonović I, Maric D (1974). Uticaj frontalne hipotalamične deaferentacije na količinu folikulostimulirajućeg hormona u hipofizi ženke pacova. Zbornik za prirodne nauke, Matica Srpska, Novi Sad, sveska 46.


(21)   Marić D, Tadić R, Milin R (1974). The influence of the gonads in the functional development of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal system of male rat. Neuroendocrinology 15: 92.


(22)   Marić D, Simonović I (1974). Količina luteinizirajućeg hormona u hipofizi pacova u konstantnom estrusu. Proc Nat Sci  4: 135-142. Zbornik radova Prirodno – matematičkog fakulteta, Novi Sad


(23)  Simonović I, Krsmanović L, Marić D (1978). Uticaj frontalne hipotalamične deaferentacije na količinu folikulo-stimulirajućeg hormona u hipofizi ženke pacova. Proc Nat Sci 46: 73-83.


(24)  Simonović I, Krsmanović L, Marić D (1978). Efekat fotoperioda i pinealektomije na seksualno sazrevanje i serumski prolaktin kod ženki pacova. Proc Nat Sci 55: 5-15.


(25)   Maric D, Simonovic I, Kovacevic R, Krsmanovic L, Stojilkovic S, Anđus RK (1982). Effects of short-term and long-term hyperprolactinemia on the developmental pattern of androgen and LH levels in the immature male rat. J Endocrinol Invest 5(4): 235-241.


(26)  Kovacevic R, Krsmanovic L, Stojilkovic S, Simonovic I, Maric D, Anđus RK (1982). Effects of bromocriptine-induced hypoprolactinaemia on the developmental pattern of androgen and LH levels in the male rat. Int J Androl 5(4): 437-447.


(27)  Simonović I, Krsmanović L, Stojilković S, Kovačević R, Marić D (1985). Effect of hypothalamic deafferentation on prolactin level in male rats. Proc Nat Sci 69: 15-23.


(28)   Maric D, Stojilkovic S, Krsmanovic L, Simonovic I, Kovacevic R, Anđus RK (1987). Rapid naloxone–induced alterations of androgen variables in the growing male rat. Neuroendocrinology 46: 15-23.


(29)   Kovačević R, Krsmanović L, Stojilković S, Simonović I, Marić D, Anđus RK (1987). Developmental pattern of the testicular androgen response to gonadotropin stimulation in vitro and its modification by chronic hypoprolactinaemia. Int J Androl 10(6): 773-784.


(30)  Marić D, Babić Z, Simonović, Krsmanović L (1989). Enhancement of androgen secretion after intratesticular naloxone administration. Proc Nat Sci 19: 39-47.


(31)  Simonović, Krsmanović L, Babić Z, Šovljanski R, Marić D (1989). Uticaj kaptanskog preparata, Orthocida S-50, na reproduktivne procese kod pacova. Proc Nat Sci 77: 5-13.


(32)   Marić D, Simonović I (1992). Ovulation response to acute and long-term intermittent immobilization stress. Proc Nat Sci 22: 107-111.


(33)   Marić D, Simonović I (1993). Uloga pinealne žlezde u reproduktivnoj aktivnosti ženke pacova. Proc Nat Sci 23: 14-23.


(34)   Marić D, Simonović I (1993). Direct effect of naloxone on testicular function in the male rat. Proc Nat Sci Matica Srpska 86: 21-27.


(35)   Simonovic I, Milin J, Kostic T, Kovacevic R, Maric D (1994). Effect of hypothalamic deafferentation on naloxone-induced modification of LH and PRL in stress condition. Proc Nat Sci Matica Srpska 86: 21-27.


(36)   Maric D, Kostic T, Simonovic I (1994). Paracrine regulation of the testis. Proc Nat Sci Matica Srpska 87: 5-15.


(37)  Simonovic I, Kostic T, Maric D (1994). Participation of the pineal gland in the reproductive physiology. Proc Nat Sci Fac Nat Sci 23: 5-12.


(38)  Maric D, Simonovic I, Kovacevic R, Kostic T, Anđus RK (1995). Opioid-mediated and opioid-independent components of hormonal responses to acute restraint stress in the male rat. Proc Nat Sci 24: 177-205.


(39)   Marić D, Kostić T, Kovacević R (1996). Effects of acute and chronic immobilization stress on rat Leydig cell steroidogenesis. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 58(3): 351-5.


(40)   Kostić T, Andrić S, Kovacević R, Marić D (1997). The effect of opioid antagonists in local regulation of testicular response to acute stress in adult rats. Steroids 62(11): 703-8.


(41)  Simonović I, Šovljanski R, Marić D (1997). Efekat hronične primene kaptana na reproduktivne procese, praćen kod sedam generacija ženki pacova. Proc Nat Sci 26: 5-12.


(42)   Kostić T, Andrić S, Marić D, Kovacević R (1998). The effect of acute stress and opioid antagonist on the activity of NADPH-P450 reductase in rat Leydig cells. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol  66(1-2): 51-4.


(43)   Kostić T, Andrić S, Kovacević R, Marić D (1998). The involvement of nitric oxide in stress-impaired testicular steroidogenesis. Eur J Pharmacol  346(2-3): 267-73.


(44)   Kostic TS, Andric SA, Maric D, Stojilkovic SS, Kovacevic R (1999). Involvement of inducible nitric oxide synthase in stress-impaired testicular steroidogenesis. J Endocrinol  163(3): 409-16.


(45)   Kostic TS, Andric SA, Maric D, Kovacevic RZ (2000). Inhibitory effects of stress-activated nitric oxide on antioxidant enzymes and testicular steroidogenesis. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol  75(4-5): 299-306.


(46)   Kostic TS, Stojkov NJ, Janjic MM, Maric D, Andric SA (2008). The adaptive response of adult rat Leydig cells to repeated immobilization stress: the role of protein kinase A and steroidogenic acute regulatory protein. Stress 11(5): 370-80.


 Congress publications


(1)   Marić D (1962). Influence of estradiol and progesteron and trombocytopoesis. Proc. of the VII Congress of the Europian Society of Haematology,  Wien, Austria, 62a.


(2)   Marić D (1962). Uticaj metabolizma estradiola na broj trombocita. II kongres biologa Jugoslavije, Beograd, 75.


(3)   Marić D (1965). Efekat estradiola na postkastracione promene u hipofizi ovarijektomisiranih pacova. Bilten zajednice medicinskih naučnih ustanova SR Srbije, 56.


(4)   Marić D, Nikitovitch-Winer MB (1967). Post castration changes in hypophisis of female rats following the isolation of hypothalamus from CNS. 49th Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Florida, USA, 59.


(5)  Marić D (1969). Uticaj estradiola na težinu reproduktivnih organa posle kompletne izolacije hipotalamusa od CNS. III kongres biologa Jugoslavije, Ljubljana, 168.


(6)  Anđus R, Ćirković T, Kamberi I, Koren A, Marić D, Palanački V, Simonović I (1970). Dejstvo produženog tretmana homologim međumoždanim ekstraktima na reproduktivni sistem. Simpozijum neuroendokrinih regulacionih mehanizama, Beograd, 7.


(7)   Anđus R, Marić D, Tadić R, Simonović I (1971). Uticaj hipotalamičnih ekstrakata na reparaciju reproduktivne funkcije mužjaka posle dugotrajne estrogenske blokade. VII kongres jugoslovenskog društva za fiziologiju, Beograd.


(8)   Marić D, Tadić R (1971). Uticaj gonada na funkcionalni razvitak hipotalamo-hipofizarnog  sistema kod mužjaka. VII kongres jugoslovenskog društva za fiziologiju, Beograd, 239.


(9)   Anđus R, Ćirković T, Kovačević R, Marić D (1973). Effects of hypothalamic extracts and prolactin on the weight of reproductive organs of estradiol blocked male rats. VIth Congress of the Hungarian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Pecs, Hungary.


(10)   Simonović I, Ćirković T, Marić D (1974). Pituitary prolactin following deafferentation in the male rats. VIIth Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Budapest, Hungary, Gen Comp Endocrinol (22) : 360.

Professor dr Irina Simonović (14.VIII 1934.- 18.IV 2015.)

Professor Irina Simonović was born 14.VIII 1934. in Futog. She studied biology at the Faculty of Sciences (FS), University of Belgrade and obtained her bachelor’s degree in the field of animal physiology in 1961. She defended her PhD thesis entitled “The Effect of Hypothalamic Deafferentation on Gonadotropic Function” at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad (UNS) in 1972 under the mentorship of prof. dr Desanka Marić.

Prof. dr Irina Simonović Prof. dr Irina Simonović

Professional career of prof. dr Irina Simonović began in 1961., when she became a research assistant in the Microbiological Department of the Institute of Medical Research in Novi Sad. In September 1966. she was appointed as teaching assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy, later established as the Faculty of Sciences. She taught laboratory courses in Biochemistry, General Physiology and Comparative Animal Physiology. In 1973. she became an assistant professor, 1977. an associate professor, and finally in 1984. a full professor. In the following 25 years, until her retirement in 1998, she taught Comparative Animal Physiology, Immunology, Endocrinology with Neuroendocrinology.  As a holder of a prestigious Ford Foundation Grant, prof. dr Simonović spent almoust three years doing a reserch at the Institute of Endocrinology, University of Milan, where she worked with prof. dr Luciano Martini, a widely and highly respected researcher. Together with prof. dr Martini and his associates, prof. dr Irina Simonović published pioneering and outstanding results in eminent journals. She also completed most of the laboratory work for her PhD thesis at the Institute of Endocrinology in Milan.


Although published more than 40 years ago, the results of this research, particularly those on the importance of cholinergic mechanisms in the control of hypothalamic gonadotropin secretion, are still relevant and have been cited widely.


Prof. dr Irina Simonović was an extremely conscientious educator. Throughout her entire teaching career, she scrupulously prepared every lecture she gave, always focusing on new pieces of research and knowledge, because she wanted to inform her students about the latest developments in her field, while arousing their interest in the subject she loved. Although she was a strict professor, students respected her since they were aware of her good intentions and knew she was preparing them for their future career and work.


The scope of prof. dr Simonović’s research work includes more than 40 papers. Her main research interests were neuroendrocrinology and reproductive physiology. The results ofher studies, based on the complex surgical method of hypo-thalamic deafferentation (which was invented at that time), are of enormous value as they have contributed to a better understanding of the regulatory mechanisms in hypothalamic control of adenohypophysis and gonad function and localization of certain hypothalamus regions responsible forneuro-hormone biosynthesis.


Her research on cholinergic mechanisms in the controlof hypothalamic factor secretion provided the first - and still highly relevant - results in this field. The value of these results is reflected in the fact that they are part of special book chapters and have been cited for more than 40 years.


Irina was a generous and reliable friend, always ready to listen and to help: she never betrayed any of her friends, and was an extremely honest and righteous person. She was committed to her work, and in everything she did she alwaysgave her best: always willing to sacrifice for her friends, students and colleagues


                       Text was prepared by prof. dr Desanka Marić and was published in journal Biologia Serbica                                                           (

Publications of Prof. dr Irine Simonović




(1)  Švarc P, Simonović I (1964). Modifikovana metoda za određivanje rezistencije eritrocita prema hipotonom rastvoru natrijum hlorida. Med Preg 17 (3): 137-139.


(2)   Palanački V, Simonović I (1968). Ispitivanje dejstva krvnog seruma zeca oralno tretiranog dl-alfa-tokoferil acetatotom na brzinu ugradnje glicina 1-14 C u proteine ćelija muških gonada zeca "in vitro". Ann Rev Fac Philos 11 (2):881-884.


(3)   Palanački V, Simonović I (1968). Prilog izučavanju intestinalne apsorpcije tokoferil acetate. Proc Nat Sci 34: 156-159.


(4)   Palanački V, Gradinski-Vrbanac B, Simonović I (1969). Uticaj oralne primene tokoferil acetata na ugradnju glicina-2-C14 u fosfolipide testisa miša "in vivo". Proc Nat Sci 36: 152-154.


(5)   Smonovic I, Tima L, Martini L (1971). Hypothalamic deafferentation and gonadotropin secretion. Experientia 27 (2):211-212.


(6)   Simonović I  (1972). Efekat hipotalamične deaferentacije na gonadotropnu sekreciju. Doktorska disertacija. PMF UBG.


(7)  Smonovic I, Motta M, Martini L (1974). Acetylcholine and the release of the follicle-stimulating hormone-releasing factor. Endocrinology 95: 1373-1379.


(8)   Marić D, Simonović I (1974). Količina luteinizirajućeg hormona u hipofizi pacova u konstantnom estrusu. Proc Nat Sci 4: 135-142.


(9)   Simonović I, Krsmanović L, Marić D (1978). Uticaj frontalne hipotalamične deaferentacije na količinu folikulo-stimulirajućeg hormona u hipofizi ženke pacova. Proc Nat Sci 46: 73-83.


(10)   Simonović I (1978). Efekat hipotalamične deaferentacije na gonadotropnu sekreciju 1,2,3. Proc Nat Sci 54: 105-159.


(11)  Simonović I, Krsmanović L, Marić D (1978). Efekat fotoperioda i pinealektomije na seksualno sazrevanje i serumski prolaktin kod ženki pacova. Proc Nat Sci 55: 5-15.


(12)   Maric D, Simonovic I, Kovacevic R, Krsmanovic L, Stojilkovic S, Andjus RK (1982). Effects of short-term and long-term hyperprolactinemia on the developmental pattern of androgen and LH levels in the immature male rat. J Endocrinol Invest 5(4): 235-241.


(13)  Kovacevic R, Krsmanovic L, Stojilkovic S, Simonovic I, Maric D, Andjus RK (1982). Effects of bromocriptine-induced hypoprolactinaemia on the developmental pattern of androgen and LH levels in the male rat. Int J Androl 5(4): 437-447.


(14)  Simonović I, Krsmanović L, Stojilković S, Kovačević R, Marić D (1985). Effect of hypothalamic deafferentation on prolactin level in male rats. Proc Nat Sci 69: 15-23.


(15)  Maric D, Stojilkovic S, Krsmanovic L, Simonovic I, Kovacevic R, Andjus RK (1987). Rapid naloxone–induced alterations of androgen variables in the growing male rat. Neuroendocrinology 46: 15-23.


(16)  Kovačević R, Krsmanović L, Stojilković S, Simonović I, Marić D, Andjus RK (1987). Developmental pattern of the testicular androgen response to gonadotropin stimulation in vitro and its modification by chronic hypoprolactinaemia. Int J Androl 10(6): 773-784.


(17)  Marić D, Babić Z, Simonović I, Krsmanović L (1989). Enhancement of androgen secretion after intratesticular naloxone administration. Proc Nat Sci 19: 39-47.


(18)  Simonović I, Krsmanović L, Babić Z, Šovljanski R, Marić D (1989). Uticaj kaptanskog preparata, Orthocida S-50, na reproduktivne procese kod pacova. Proc Nat Sci 77: 5-13.


(19)  Marić D, Simonović I (1992). Ovulation response to acute and long-term intermittent immobilization stress. Proc Nat Sci 22: 107-111.


(20)  Marić D, Simonović I (1993). Uloga pinealne žlezde u reproduktivnoj aktivnosti ženke pacova. Proc Nat Sci 23: 14-23.


(21)  Marić D, Simonović I (1993). Direct effect of naloxone on testicular function in the male rat. Proc Nat Sci Matica Srpska 86: 21-27.


(22)  Simonovic I, Milin J, Kostic T, Kovacevic R, Maric D (1994). Effect of hypothalamic deafferentation on naloxone-induced modification of LH and PRL in stress condition. Proc Nat Sci Matica Srpska 86: 21-27.


(23)  Maric D, Kostic T, Simonovic I (1994). Paracrine regulation of the testis. Proc Nat Sci Matica Srpska 87: 5-15.


(24) Simonovic I, Kostic T, Maric D (1994). Participation of the pineal gland in the reproductive physiology. Proc Nat Sci Fac Nat Sci 23: 5-12.


(25) Maric D, Simonovic I, Kovacevic R, Kostic T, Andjus RK (1995). Opioid-mediated and opioid-independent components of hormonal responses to acute restraint stress in the male rat. Proc Nat Sci 24: 177-205.


(26) Simonović I, Šovljanski R, Marić D (1997). Efekat hronične primene kaptana na reproduktivne procese, praćen kod sedam generacija ženki pacova. Proc Nat Sci 26: 5-12.


(27) Simonovic I, Matavulj M, Andric N, Rajkovic V (1998). Stereological analysis of thyroid gland in carbaryl treated female rats. Folia anatom 26 (1): 15-16.


(28) Simonovic I, Matavulj M, Šovljanski R (1999). Uticaj različitih doza pesticida karbarila na reproduktivne procese kod ženki pacova. Proc Nat Sci Fac 27/28: 51-57.